Blog Archive
- What's In Your Shampoo? Hair Health, And Hair Loss...
- The Hair Care Revolution And Bangs
- The Beauty Market And Hairstyles For Women
- Green Hair - the How to on Getting Rid of it !
- Emma Watson on Empire's Sexiest Movie Stars
- Hair Coloring Tips - Home Hair Coloring Tips
- The Perfect Way To Get Perfect Pageant Hair
- No title
- Thighs the limit for Foxy Megan
- Alicia Keys
- Emma Watson Shows Off Her Grown-Up Style
- They're looking for our twins Anna Paquin ...
- Is Harry Potter star Emma Watson turning into Keir...
- Klum sports milk moustache for ad
- Heidi Klum stars in Guitar Hero ad campaign
- Heidi Klum's hot Guitar Hero. Please don't leave!
- Hair Styles- fabulous fun fashionable
- Privacy Policy for Chantelle Paige Latest Hairstyles
- These Oscar moments left Gil Cates speechless...
- Amazing Hair Days Depend on Quality Hair Products
- How Often Do You Find Yourself Saying: I Wish I Kn...
- In Depth Profile and Interview with Emma Watson
Sunday, December 30, 2007
What's In Your Shampoo? Hair Health, And Hair Loss Prevention Using Natural Products
We do our shopping and purchase our hair care products and assume we are doing the right things for hair health. Through promotion and marketing we are led to believe that some of the products available today are things we just can't do without. But is that really true?
To find the answer you must first look at the structure of hair. Below the skin is the hair follicle, the sebaceous gland and blood vessels. The hair itself is made up of protein. When you brush your hair it causes the sebaceous gland to produce sebum. This oily substance coats and protects the hair from the elements. It also stimulates the blood vessels to provide the nourishment your hair needs. Brushing your hair and or massaging the scalp are beneficial to hair health.
With commercial products, most shampoos and conditioners contain harsh chemicals and synthetic products. In shampoos, that means it can over clean your hair and strip it of its precious oils. Now you need to condition it to replace the oils. It can harm the scalp and hair follicles. It is the same with laundry detergents. They are loaded with fillers and less actual soap so that they can sell you more detergent. It's a money making strategy that has worked so they will continue to do so.
Now if you are like most people, you've read the labels but don't have a clue as to what the ingredients really are and what their function is. Here it is in layman's terms:
1) Distereate and propylene glycol or glycol are petroleum based (crude oil). They are very cheap which is why they are widely used in the cosmetic industry.
2) Isopropyl alcohol is another very cheap solvent.
3) Propylparaben or Methylparen are preservatives that are synthetic. The human body typically does not understand synthetic, it understands organic.
4) Cetearyl alcohol is an emulsifier and it can be natural or synthetic. Synthetic is often used because it's cheaper and easier to produce.
These petrochemicals are absorbed through the skin, then down through the organs and tissues. Many believe that long term exposure to these toxins can cause permanent damage anywhere in the body, and yet, governments have sided with big industry to not require them to disclose what these products contain or what they really are. Instead we have big fancy names you can hardly pronounce let alone understand.
The solution? It's not as hard as you think. It's as close as you health food store or even your own fridge. Here are some tips:
1) Buy a natural liquid soap from the health food store. Also purchase some essential oils such as lavender (for all hair types), rosemary, clary sage, cedar wood, birch and peppermint (for hair loss) bergamot, rosewood, eucalyptus etc. Also purchase natural oils such as olive, jojoba, or avocado. Here's what to do; in a clean spray bottle, pour in about ½ a cup of distilled or spring water. Add 1 cup of liquid soap. Then take 2 tsp of your vegetable oil and add 10 to 20 drops of your chosen essential oils. It can be just one or several combined oils. Shake gently. There you have it. Simple as that! (Essential oils always need to be in a vegetable oil base because of its concentration). You should not need a cream rinse after that because oils will be replaced.
2) If you need deep conditioning, try saturating your hair in mayonnaise or warmed olive oil. Wrap tightly and cover with a shower cap and let rest on the hair for approximately 20 minutes, then rinse out. You can also take 2 egg yolks and whisk them until frothy, then add some warm water. Pour over hair and leave on for 2 minutes then rinse well.
3) It's a good idea to do a final rinse on your hair with something acidic such as cider vinegar, lemon juice, beer or even milk. Add any of these ingredients with some water to rinse your hair with to restore the alkaline/acid balance of your hair and scalp, and take off any residue you may have left on your hair.
There are many good natural recipes for healthy hair but these are a few things to get you started in the right direction. Experiment with different essential and vegetable oils to find what you like best. Natural, your body understands, so here's to a good hair day!
Friday, December 28, 2007
The Hair Care Revolution And Bangs
With new products focusing on the health of your hair you have more control and can now work with many different hair styles. The new formulas are created to meet the needs of a fast paced society. These new products feature ingredients that restore moisture and nutrients that tend to make hair stronger and thicker in appearance. With time being a factor for many women, the need for these products continues to grow.
Consumers are opting for soft, touchable hairstyles that appear natural. Salon patrons are demanding a hair style that is easy to manage. The common tread in choosing a new hair style is the ease in caring for it. Cutting edge salons are creating styles by precise haircuts that are light, healthy, and flexible. With daily challenges to the hair from the elements, the emphasis is on innovative easy to care for styled hair.
To protect your hair from heat and chemicals including chlorine, one of the essentials is to opt for one of the new styles that are easy to keep up. Deep conditioning and frequent trims go a long way in protecting your crowning glory.
Hairstylists are finding that the look of natural hair is fashion friendly. Style and shape are the key elements in today's hairstyles. The introduction of most of these easy hairstyles came from the celebrities sporting the cuts. In high humidity you have to have styles that rebound well. The resurgence of bangs is the outgrowths of a new line up of different types of wash and wear hairstyles. There are dynamic ways that bangs change the impact of your hairstyle.
They offer versatility in a way that can not be matched. They increase the ways you can capture a new look in a matter of minutes. The different types of bangs vary depending on the texture of the hair. Going natural means hair that appears to be healthy and not sprayed into place. Manageability is a key focus and choppy bangs, short bangs, wispy bangs, and side bangs are a perfect example of simple easy to keep styling.
Haircuts with bangs are a big Hollywood trend. With the rise of hairstyles with bangs it means that finally everybody will find a different cut that will feature easy to care for trendy looks. Haircuts with bangs represent a new type of chic. Hairstyles with bangs work for the working women, the mature women, and the young women. For those interested in getting a short, medium or long hairdo bangs will work in a unique way with every hair length
Think of celebrities such as Cameron Diaz, Meg Ryan, and Paris Hilton and you can see the different looks that are attainable from a good haircut. For an exciting new style bangs can make the difference from ordinary to extraordinary. With the new choppy and asymmetrical styles you need to find a great hair stylist in one of the new upscale salons that now can be found in many locations.
Think Alyssa Milano and take a big step by changing your look with the help of a skilled stylist. There are many different techniques that can mold your hair into a trendy style.
The way to become aware of all the ways you can change your look is to locate a professional hair styles that is experienced in creating new looks with great skill.
Monday, December 24, 2007
The Beauty Market And Hairstyles For Women
There is a wellness-vanity connection that is understood by the consumer. For retailers in the beauty market that understand this, there is a payoff. One of the industries that get the message is the hair care and beauty salon stylist. Connecting looking good with feeling good is what the beauty industry is about. A stylist knows that to restore a youthful healthy quality to the head of hair boost the outlook of the client.
There are two valid trains of thoughts that include the beauty market as a product of fitness, nutrition and wellness. Beauty from within is a balance of wellness, confidence, and happiness. People value nature, purity, balance, and beauty. The vanity part of the equation is a given human trait. If you consider the size of the health and beauty market you appreciate the connection.
So what is it you are looking for when you chose a salon and hair stylist? A positive image of oneself is a function of a lot of factors. Not the least is ones physical appearance. The beneficial feature of a great new hairstyle is the way it makes you look and feel. When you do even an inside-out makeover you have to look in the mirror and see a radiant new you or at least an improved version of the old you. Combating signs of aging is usually one of the prime reasons that people continue to turn to hair salons for color, cut, and styling.
What you are looking for in a salon is a skilled stylist that has experience and works with some of the best products. The compatibility of the stylist and the client provides the backdrop to the emotional connection that is essential to the beauty parlor experience.
Stellar service is a must in a salon. Upscale salons are all about customer service and customer satisfaction. I have found that customers expect a stylist and salon that can deliver all the nuances of the salon experience. This type of salon is an important segment of the beauty industry. Remember the $600 plus haircut that made the news on the campaign trail?
Celebrities rely on stylist for their appeal as trend setters. I call this the power of packaging. We may get the impression that nature had more to do with the celebrity look than a combined effort of a great hairstylist and major commitment to working hard at being visually pleasing. For most people it is not practical or cost effective to market how we look. However, we are always to a certain degree marketing ourselves.
The single most cost effect way with the least effort is to have a trendy hairstyle that shows off a healthy head of hair.
There are quite a few attributes that beautiful hair needs. A hairstyle for women has to include these factors. One is to realize color that has a visual impact. The other is to have a modern style that is easy to keep. From elegant chic to fresh and perky hair can compliment our personalities and transform our appearance. The important factor is to nourish your hair with treatments that are common place in a good hair salon. Beautiful healthy looking fashionable hair is just a salon stop away. A hairstyle for women has to enhance the intrinsically linked beauty from within with the visual aesthetics of an appealing outward appearance.
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Green Hair - the How to on Getting Rid of it !
Getting Rid Of Green Hair
What causes my hair to turn green ?
There are 3 major causes of “green hair”
(1) swimming
(2) hair color
(3) hard (well) water
Continue reading to see the “why” and “solution” to the mystery behind green hair…
(1) Swimming – Your hair is like a sponge.. when you get into the pool and dip your head into the water it soaks up the chlorine and over time ends up giving your hair a green cast. If your hair is blond you will have green hair.
(a.) Solution
- if your hair is already green use Paul Mitchells shampoo 3… it removes chlorine and impurities keeping the hair healthy and moisturized
- to keep the green from coming back, wet your hair with fresh water and conditioner in your sink, shower or use a water bottle.. if you use a water bottle put conditioner in it… when using the sink or shower apply a little conditioner after wetting it.. this will put a barrier on the hair not allowing anything else to soak up
(2) Hair Color – from home color to over-processed hair, if you have blond hair do not color your hair without seeing your stylist.. if can turn green if you have over-processed hair.. it will be very dry, brittle and resemble cotton candy (NOT GOOD!)
(b.) Solution
- I always recommend seeing your stylist in these situations
(3) Hard (Well) Water – with the high amount of copper or nickel in your hard water, you’re bound to get copper or a green tint…
(c.) Solution
If you can, get a softener, if that’s not possible there are filters for the shower head at reasonable prices or purple/blue shampoo for blondes and grey (like shimmer lights at Sally’s)
Now that you have some information on what causes green hair and how to handle it, you can relax and know what to do the next time it happens to you or someone you know.
Friday, December 21, 2007
Emma Watson on Empire's Sexiest Movie Stars
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Hair Coloring Tips - Home Hair Coloring Tips
Some hair professionals may try to discourage you from doing your own home hair color, saying that drugstore hair color products are harsh and the results can be uncertain. But the truth is that you can achieve excellent results and save a lot of money by coloring your hair at home as long as you know a few basics about choosing the right color and applying it correctly. The advantage of hair coloring is that a person can opt for a hair color that goes well with his or her looks and also according to the personal choice. Coloring the hair improves the confidence and looks of a person. Hair coloring gives an instant change to the person’s look. The changes can range from subtle, simple to the major and dramatic one. Hair color has an impact on the texture of the hair as it gives instant volume to fine and thin strands of hair and also affects the waves and curls in some cases.
Hair Color Mistakes
1. Applying dye to dirty, tangled hair.
2. Staining your skin or clothes.
3. Picking a color that does not fit with your natural hair color.
4. Dying eyebrows and eyelashes.
Hair coloring is not new to people as it has been carried out in the past too. Now there are various colors from blonde to blue made possible for both men and women. Hair dyes are made up of either bleaches or pigments or colors. The natural hair color of any person is due to the genetic or hereditary factors. Hair coloring can add fun, shine and drama to the hair style.
Permanent hair colors break the hair cuticle and deposit pigment in the hair shaft. Permanent color is said to lighten the hair as the hair is bleached and then the color is deposited in a single step process. Hair color is formed by the movement of the light rays either through absorption or reflection caused by artificial pigment which is added to the hair during the tinting process or by the natural pigment of hair. Permanent hair colors are used to cover gray hair to a large extent and it is also said to cause damage to the hair if they are used for a longer term and can even result in irreversible damage to the hair. Natural hair color is formed by the absorption or reflection of the light rays by the pigment called melanin. The amount, distribution and size of the melanin determine the hair color of the person.
Healthy Hair – Hair Coloring Tips
Shampoo that’s made for color treated hair keeps your hair color soft and natural looking. Regular shampoos can strip color and natural moisture from your hair.
Install a water filter for your shower or bath. Besides frequently being treated with chemicals, tap water coming through old plumbing contains undesirable elements like rust that leave your new hair color flat and dull looking.
Deep condition regularly – at least every two weeks – to restore moisture and shine to color treated hair. As roots grow out, a color enhancing conditioner will help your natural hair color blend with your color treated hair.
After shampooing, always blot your hair dry. Don’t rub hair dry or wrap it in a tight turban. When using a blow dryer, dry your head– not your hair. Over drying hair strips it of moisture and also results in static.
Caution while applying temporary dyes
Application of dye on chemically processed hair or the application of the wrong dye can result in odd colors. So it is usually recommended to choose a shade somewhat lighter than the natural shade of your hair.
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
The Perfect Way To Get Perfect Pageant Hair
Regardless of the type of pageant that you will be competing in, one thing is always consistent in any contest where beauty is involved and that is well kept, healthy hair.
Few people know this, but your hair is actually part of your skin, and so a healthy lifestyle and plenty of water are as essential for your hair as they are for the rest of your body. Pageant judges know this, which is why they pay close attention to hair styles and appearances, and it is important to choose the style that is right for you. The good news is that salon style hair products, with their superior, salon quality hold, fresh fragrances, natural extracts, and amazing texture formulas, can help you achieve, and keep, a style that will not melt under those hot stage lights.
A sophisticated updo is ideal as many pageant hair styles can be adapted for prom, and vice-versa. A sophisticated full updo is centered on a small, tasteful clip or accessory, and hair can be wrapped tightly a chignon or more loosely. When wrapping, it is important to blow dry individual sections and use product to add texture and definition to each section. You can either gather the hair in the back upwards and wrap hair around from the side, or, for a unique updo take, try wrapping a section of your under hair across your forehead and securing on the side with bobby pins. Most importantly, be sure to use a firming gel for extra hold that lasts all day from your first stage walk to your tearful acceptance speech.
A Down Do with a braid is ideal if you have straight or wavy shoulder length hair. Why not showcase it in all of its healthy, shiny glory? Instead of an updo, try braiding a small section of hair at the top of the head, just where your part is, and securing it in the back with a little pearl clip. A unique, fun hair style like this one is sure to stand out to the judges, and make your competition green with envy. If this type of hairdo sounds too complicated do not worry it really is not. With a little practice in front of a mirror, anyone can create this style. If you are unsure about how to start, why not make an appointment with your stylist, who can show you the style, as well as recommend the products that are right for you.
The pretty pony tail, despite the fact it may sound basic, can dress it up easily by securing it at the middle with an accessory, and adding wispy, softly curled tendrils to the sides of your face. Be sure to use your favorite holding spray to keep your style in place.
Monday, December 17, 2007
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Thighs the limit for Foxy Megan
MEGAN FOX had to share the limelight with a 16-foot yellow robot at the Tokyo premiere of Transformers 2 last night.
But she still made sure all eyes were on her with a beautiful Donna Karan purple dress, slashed to the thigh to reveal her perfect pins.
Thousands of Japanese fans turned out to catch a glimpse of Megan and co-stars SHIA LaBEOUF, RAMON RODRIQUEZ and JOSH DUHAMEL, who chatted and signed autographs on the red carpet.
And they gasped in amazement as a parked Camaro car on the red carpet suddenly turned into the yellow robot in a puff of smoke.

Transformed ... Megan Fox, Michael Bay, Shia LaBeouf, Ramon Rodriguez, Josh Duhamel, Tyrese Gibson and Isabel Lucas
Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, directed by MICHAEL BAY, sees Megan and Shia return to the roles as teenage couple Sam Witwicky and Mikaela Banes, who join forces with the Autobots to save the world from their evil robot enemies, the Decepticons.
Monday, December 10, 2007
Alicia Keys
Half African-American, half Italian soul musician Alicia Keys exploded onto the music world with her 2001 debut album, Songs in a Minor. With a pop, gospel, R&B and soul blend, the album, along with its hit single Falling, went platinum five times. Writing songs since she was 14 years old, Alicia Keys also worked on several movie soundtracks, one of which was Men in Black (1997).
On February 6, 2005, Alicia Keys will perform the song America the Beautiful at the Super Bowl, which is to be held in Jacksonville, Florida. Made popular by such musicians as Vikki Carr and Alicia Keys will be accompanied by 150 children from the Florida School for the Deaf and the Blind.
"I'm very excited to be playing at the Super Bowl for the first time, especially because I will be singing a song made famous by an artist I admire, miss and respect." Alicia Keys
On a different note, Alicia Keys makes reference to a phone number in her love song, Diary. When fans called the number a Georgia man named J.D. Turner got the calls as he had the same number.
As a humanitarian, Alicia Keys has paid much attention to AIDS pandemic. Alicia and Sean Combs performed on MTV's Saturday concert (2002), which was part of World Aids Day special program. She also starred in the Urban AIDS promotion held in Toronto's Ricoh Coliseum in 2004.
On February 3, 2005, Alicia Keys will be featured in live performances with artists such as Good Charlotte, Kelly Clarkson, Hoobastank and Simple Plan in an effort to support the MTV Asia Aid promotion.
Emma Watson Shows Off Her Grown-Up Style
Emma also talks about her active social life (currently revolving around 18th birthday parties) and her upcoming role in Ballet Shoes. We love watching Emma making her transformation from cute little girl to fashionista, so hopefully she'll stick around in the spotlight even after the Harry Potter franchise finally comes to an end.
Saturday, December 1, 2007
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
They're looking for our twins
Anna Paquin hairstyles X-Men News - Toronto Sun, Canada - Nov 22, 2007
5, 1969, and Oscar winner Anna Paquin hairstyles X-Men, born July 24, 1982. Belek said he's already uncovered similarities among people living a world apart. ...
The Golden Globes Become a Cable Club
Anna Paquin hairstyles X-Men News -, WA - Dec 13, 2007
The "Best Supporting Actress" category matches Anna Paquin X-Men (Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee), Rachel Griffiths (Brothers & Sisters), Rose Byrne (Damages), ...
Anna Paquin News - (Pressemitteilung), Austria - Dec 13, 2007
... Longford Anna Paquin hairstyles X-Men- Bury My Heart At Wounded - Knee Jaime Pressly - My Name Is Earl Best Performance By An Actor In A Supporting Role In A Series, ...
Golden Globe TV Noms
Anna Paquin hairstyles X-MenNews - Ananova, UK - Dec 13, 2007
Katherine Heigl - Grey's Anatomy.Rachel Griffiths - Brothers & Sisters.Samantha Morton - Longford.Anna Paquin - Bury My Heart At Wounded Knee. ...
Canadians Page, Gosling get Golden Globe nominations
Anna Paquin hairstyles X-MenNews - StarPhoenix, Canada - Dec 14, 2007
... Canadian Yves Simoneau, received nominations for best mini-series, best actor for Manitoba-born Adam Beach and best supporting actress for Anna Paquin. ...
Positive and negative values on TV
Anna Paquin hairstyles X-Men News -, Philippines - Dec 3, 2007
?Fat Man and Little Boy? with Paul Newman and John Cusack; ?Fly Away Home? with Anna Paquin hairstyles X-Men and Jeff Daniels; ?Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire?; ...
Exeter High School honor roll
Anna Paquin hairstyles X-Men News - Portsmouth Herald News, NH - Dec 14, 2007
Syed Ali, Jenna Bessemer, Andrew Bridges, Nicholas Brunelas, Hilary Campbell, Anna Cardoni, Robert Collinge, Mollie Conant, Quinn Conner, Nolan Daley, ...
Toy for Joy is chosen charity
Anna Paquin hairstyles X-Men News - The Republican -, MA - Dec 14, 2007
... Peace to all from Linda·························$50 In loving memory of my John·········$10 In memory of my grandparents Anna and Walter Larzazs. ...
Movies rule butt-numb-a-thon
Anna Paquin hairstyles X-Men News - UT The Daily Texan, TX - Dec 11, 2007
If anything, you may get a kick out of the scene in which Anna Paquin randomly turns into the "sexy werewolf" character. This year was my third time to ...
Oscar lately leaves Canada dry
Anna Paquin hairstyles X-Men News - Variety, CA - Dec 6, 2007
... when Winnipeg native Anna Paquin hairstyles X-Men, then 11, became the second-youngest person to win (for her supporting role in 1993's "The Piano"). ...
Friday, November 16, 2007
Is Harry Potter star Emma Watson turning into Keira Knightley?
So move over Keira Knightley, for Emma Watson yesterday gave her older competition a run for her money with a dramatic transformation from child star to grown-up starlet.
The 17-year-old Harry Potter actress, Emma Watson has been keen to distance herself from her schoolgirl character.
And judging by the elegant Chanel outfit and slick of siren red lipstick which replaced her school garb, the A-level student is coming of age at a rapid pace.
As she attended an exclusive dinner hosted by fashion designer Karl Lagerfeld, the immaculately-dressed Miss Watson had even perfected the hand on dropped hip which has become Miss Knightley's trademark red carpet pose.
Like Miss Watson, 22-year-old Miss Knightley began her career as a child actress, starring in Bend It Like Beckham when she was aged 17.
Both young women come from respectable, close-knit families. And both have been courted as muses by the fashion label Chanel.
Emma Watson won a reported £500,000 contract to be the face of the perfume Coco Mademoiselle and is set to play Coco Chanel in a film about her life.
But it was her younger rival - who is on the books of model agency Storm - chosen to be an ambassador for Chanel's fashion range, often appearing on the red carpet and as a cover girl in its lavish outfits.
And in a further snub to Miss Knightley, her fellow actress topped her in a magazine poll of Britain's greatest female role models earlier this year.
Yesterday was no exception to her new appeal with Miss Watson - who has been playing Hermione Granger since she was 11 - donning a black silk pleated dress and shimmering sequined jacket.
In a bid to shed her goody two shoes image, the star partied the night away with Kate Moss and Kelly Osbourne.
Kylie Minogue, Natalie Imbruglia and Sean Lennon joined the glamorous party in London's Nobu restaurant.
A fellow guest at a recent charity gala attended by Emma Watson said: 'She is incredibly self-assured and despite following the likes of Elle Macpherson, is not bothered in the slightest. She is a star and knows it.'
Emma Watson, who is the new face of the iconic brand, was also joined at the event by Charlotte Casiraghi, daughter of Princess Caroline of Monaco, actress Thandie Newton, Sophie Ellis Bextor and Natalie Imbruglia.
Models including Claudia Schiffer, Jodie and Jemma Kidd, Erin O'Connor and Agyness Deyn also attended the affair, which was thrown in honour of Lagerfeld.
Emma Watson's glamorous arrival comes just days after she unveiled her grown up new look in the pages of a glossy magazine.
In the fifties inspired shoot, she looked a world away from the most famous schoolgirl on the planet, Hermione Grainger, the heroine of the films based on JK Rowling's novels.
But the 17-year-old is already well aware of the trappings of fame.
“Recently a woman took my arm, looked at me very seriously and said, 'You're quite pretty in real life.' I didn't quite know how to take it.”
Watson, who has earned an estimated £10 million from the five Potter films, says she shuns stylists for red-carpet events.
“Getting someone else to choose things takes the fun out of it,” she said.
When not working she splits her time between her mother's house in Oxford, and her father's in London.
Emma Watson also has a busy social life.
"For the last three weekends I've been at an 18th birthday party," she said.
Watson, who is currently juggling A-levels and driving lessons, will appear on BBC1 during the Christmas season in a new TV film, Ballet Shoes.
The teenager says she related to her character, Pauline Fossil, an orphan.
"She reminds me a lot of when I was younger," she said.
"I was such a drama queen."
When she got the part she said on her website: “I could not let such an amazing project go. I loved Pauline from the start.”
Set in Thirties London, Ballet Shoes is the story of Pauline and her two sisters, who are adopted by an eccentric explorer, played by Richard Griffiths.
Emma Watson took ballet lessons and dyed her hair whiteblonde for the film, which will be screened on 28 December.
Emma Watson was voted Britain's greatest female role model in a magazine poll earlier this year, ahead of Keira Knightley and Kate Moss.
She is due to start filming the sixth Potter film, Harry Potter And The Half-Blood Prince on 18 December.
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Klum sports milk moustache for ad
With a white line bordering her top lip, the beauty has appeared on the ad to encourage public having healthier life by drinking milk, reports the ‘Sun’.Recently, the model poked ‘naked’ fun at Hollywood actor Tom Cruise's air guitar scene from a 1980s movie 'Risky Business' in a new commercial for Guitar Hero: World Tour.
Before that, Klum triggered a furore after she dressed up as Hindu goddess Kali for a Halloween party.While some Hindus are seeking an apology from her, others are asserting that she did nothing objectionable.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Heidi Klum stars in Guitar Hero ad campaign
First in the series of Guitar Hero, the game enables players to play drums and sing, along with the traditional guitar parts, reports The Courier Mail. Recently, the Sean and Klum threatened to leave the US if Republican presidential candidate John McCain wins the election.
And last week, Klum triggered a furore after she dressed up as Hindu goddess Kali
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Heidi Klum's hot Guitar Hero. Please don't leave!
We're all on pins and needles today, what with the presidential election deciding the fate of the free world and beyond. So to help distract us, how about a little Heidi Klum Guitar Hero action?
In this video, Heidi reprises Tom Cruise's "Risky Business" underwear dance scene with some serious air guitar work.
The Dish Rag has already reported that Heidi and her man Seal say they will leave the country if John McCain is elected. Click here to read about Heidi and Seal moving out of the U.S.!
But after seeing this, we think that would be a terrible, terrible loss.
So watch this video a few times and then decide carefully how you will vote today.
This is important, people.
Monday, November 12, 2007
Hair Styles- fabulous fun fashionable
There are all kinds of different hair styles out there. From women’s buns to men’s crew cuts, hairstyles are varied and distinct. Hairstyle is all about personality and preference because there are just so many options out there. Many people choose to follow the Hollywood trends while others seem to be set in their ways with their current hair style. Here are some of the most popular hairstyles of today:
- Long vs. Short hairstyle
- Curly
- Braided hair
- Ponytail
- Crew cut
- Bun
- Layered
Of course, most hairstyles are geared toward either men or women, so choosing is often within your own gender. Each gender has a multitude of choices when it comes to hairstyles, although women tend to have more of a selection with the wedding and prom hairstyles. There are also factors that come along with hairstyle choices that go beyond simple gender differential as well such as social status, fashion sense and culture.
Hairstyles are often developed and designed through hairstylists in shops, malls and outlet stores that specialize in the different colors and fashions. A style could cost anywhere between $9 (for a basic, run of the mill hair cut) and $100+ (for the more sophisticated / complicated styles).
Some timeless hairstyles that have been used throughout the generations are:
- Afros: The hairstyle that is most popular among African-Americans has tended to be some sort of an afro that is worn for black pride and such.
- Bun: This women’s hairstyle is pretty popular because it is so easy to assemble and put together, while still looking elegant and professional. The hairstyle consists of hair just as it sounds- in a bun!
- Buzz cut: This hairstyle is usually reserved for men, although many women today have this type of military haircut. It consists of short hair all over the head, normally no more then ½ inch long.
- Ponytail: This women’s style is pretty much the easiest hairstyle out there and has been used as long as people remember. All that you need to do is pull your hair to the back and secure it with a rubber band!
Hairstyles portray so much about each human being just as DNA does within the scientific measures of the body. You can learn a lot about a person just by what hairstyle they choose to express themselves with and how they approach the type of hair they wear. With a multitude of options, hairstyles can be this, that or anything in between!
Thursday, November 8, 2007
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Friday, November 2, 2007
These Oscar moments left Gil Cates speechless
Anna Paquin hairstyles X-Men News - USA Today - 23 hours ago
"Anna Paquin hairstyles X-Men, who won the (1994 supporting actress) Oscar for The Piano. She was at that time 11 years old, really adorable. The actress from the film, ...
Globes recognizes several new TV shows
Anna Paquin hairstyles X-Men News - United Press International - Dec 13, 2007
The supporting actress nominees for television are Rose Byrne, Rachel Griffiths, Katherine Heigl, Samantha Morton, Anna Paquin hairstyles X-Menand Jamie Pressly.
Under-30 crowd gets its Golden Globe moment
Anna Paquin hairstyles X-Men News -, CA - Dec 14, 2007
A youth movement was afoot in TV as well, with nominees America Ferrera, 23, for "Ugly Betty"; Anna Paquin hairstyles X-Men for "Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee" and Ruth ...
HBO HD is Cablevision's HD Channel of the Day, as Part of ...
Anna Paquin hairstyles X-Men News - Emediawire (press release), WA - Dec 18, 2007
Starring Hugh Jackman, Halle Berry, Ian mckellen, Famke Janssen, Anna Paquin hairstyles X-Men, Kelsey Grammer, James Marsden, Rebecca Romijn, Shawn Ashmore, Aaron Stanford, ...
List of Golden Globe Awards Nominations
Anna Paquin hairstyles X-Men News - The Associated Press - Dec 13, 2007
... Katherine Heigl, "Grey's Anatomy"; Samantha Morton, "Longford"; Anna Paquin hairstyles X-Men, "Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee"; Jaime Pressly, "My Name Is Earl. ...
'Damages' leads Globe TV pack with 4 noms
Anna Paquin hairstyles X-Men News - Hollywood Reporter, United States - Dec 13, 2007
They are joined by Byrne ("Damages"), Rachel Griffiths ("Brothers & Sisters"), Morton ("Longford") and Anna Paquin hairstyles X-Men ("Bury My Heart"). ...
POLL - VOTE: Who were Oscars' most gracious losers?
Anna Paquin News - The Envelope, CA - Dec 8, 2007
Holly Hunter, best supporting actress nominee of 1993 for "The Firm" ? losing to Anna Paquin hairstyles X-Men for "The Piano." Hunter was a rare double nominee that year ...
Golden day for Canada as awards season heats up
Anna Paquin hairstyles X-MenNews - Globe and Mail, Canada - Dec 14, 2007
... including best miniseries or TV movie, and actor nominations for two Canadian cast members, lead Adam Beach and supporting player Anna Paquin hairstyles X-Men. ...
Rhys Meyers and Nesbitt Golden Globe nominees
Anna Paquin hairstyles X-Men News -, Ireland - Dec 13, 2007
... Rachel Griffiths ('Brothers & Sisters'), Katherine Heigl ('Grey's Anatomy'), Anna Paquin hairstyles X-Men ('Bury My Heart At Wounded - Knee'), Jaime Pressly ('My Name Is ...
Amazing Hair Days Depend on Quality Hair Products
You need not be a celebrity, nor spend hours sitting in a salon styling chair to achieve natural, beautiful hair. With the right hair products and advice from the experts, you can turn every day into an amazing hair day. But where do you start?
Celebrity stylist Roy Teeluck has spent the last 22 years honing his craft at some of the most prestigious salons around the globe, and he says fabulous hair is no secret. “Really, really beautiful hair is naturally feminine and beautiful", he says. “And that look starts out with a style that works with rather than against your hair’s own natural texture.”
Taking advantage of our hair’s natural properties is where many people become confused. It’s no wonder; grocery store shelves are packed with products promising quick-fix solutions to achieving dream hair. You might even have a large collection of half-used, poor performing," shampoos & conditioners stashed away somewhere in your bathroom.
Unfortunately, many people choose products that are just not right for their hair at the microscopic level, deep within the hair and scalp where marvelous hair begins.
Without getting too technical, your body chemistry, more specifically your body’s pH level, is a major factor that shapes the kind of “hair day” you are going to have. Essentially everyone’s body has a distinct pH level ranging somewhere between two extremes: acid and alkaline. And as odd as it may sound, your hair takes on a positive electrical charge when it is slightly acidic.
But enough about science! The important thing to remember is that for your hair to look its best, it needs to stay positively charged. That positive charge helps create natural, beautiful hair, and that translates into more self-confidence.
Luckily, there are a variety of quality salon products to improve your hair’s chemistry and give your hair a positive charge. While it’s true that not any one shampoo or conditioner works for all of us, there are products that tackle a variety of common problems including treating color damaged hair or keeping hair moisturized.
Teeluck confesses that products made from botanical ingredients and polymers have the most benefit for your hair. Healthy hair relies on a balance of several key ingredients including proteins, moisture enhancers, essential fatty acids and vitamins and minerals.
Teeluck says color-treated hair can lose its vibrancy and shine between treatments. Using the correct salon products prior to and following coloring will help keep your hair it’s healthiest.
Keeping hair properly moisturized is an even more widespread problem. Many factors contribute to hair drying out – from the climate you live in, to too many hours under a blow dryer – your hair can become brittle, dry and damaged.
To keep hair moisturized, Teeluck recommends a shampoo and conditioner from Nexxus that are famous for their moisturizing properties. By improving your hair’s moisture, you are also strengthening your hair by boosting its elasticity, and that leads to fuller, healthier hair.
There is no end to the clutter of hair care solutions on the market today. TV shows and magazine ads bombard you with an endless parade of products promising to improve your hair’s health. Ultimately, your best bet is to trust hair care experts Teeluck and other master stylists at Nexxus. You can start by finding your personal Nexxus level, and by trying some complimentary hair product samples.
How Often Do You Find Yourself Saying: I Wish I Knew How To Get Perfect Hairstyle
He has a lot of hairstyle magazines in the waiting area, so many times he grabs one of them and starts to show me samples of what he thinks I might like.
As I sat there waiting for him to find something, I realized what a rough job he had. In fact, we were talking one day as he was trying to figure out what kind of short trendy hairstyle he could make out of my current medium hairstyle when he confessed that he did much better when people brought in pictures of hairstyles they liked.
He told me that one day a man came in and asked for a dangerous-looking hairstyle
Now, even though my hairdresser is always up-to-date on the latest hairstyles (both men's hairstyles and womens hairstyles,) he had no idea what this guys impression of dangerous was. He looked kind of worried when he told that me since he had no clue, he just gave the guy a typical men's hairstyle. He wasn't sure if the guy was satisfied or not.
I know that men's hairstyles cost around $20 (womens hairstyles tend to be a LOT more), and if you're going to pay that kind of money for something, you should get what you want ? especially if you tell the hairdresser what you want!
And that's the missing link. When you ask the hairdresser for something different, but you don't have pictures of hairstyles you like, you'll end up with the same old thing. In this case, both parties lost. The hairdresser was not happy because he didn't think he gave the customer the mens hairstyle that he wanted; the customer was not happy because he had been all excited about his new dangerous look, only to end up with the same haircut he always got.
Is there a solution to this problem. Sure! Whenever possible, always bring your hairdresser pictures of what you have in mind. I even take pictures of people on the television and bring them in. He wants a picture so bad he'll even watch a video tape of a person with my vision of a short trendy hairstyle just to get an idea of what I have in mind.
He really just needs a clue as to what you might be looking for in a new hairstyle. Medium length? Long? Shorter? I found out the hard way that he really has a different opinion of how short a short trendy haircut should be (on me) ? That's a mistake I'll never make again
Now, with all the new technology out there, there is a way to put on virtual hairstyles and see what you might look like in them before you go in for your hairstyle. I do this all the time, and it has saved me time (growing back hair), and money when I get what I want the first time. Evelyn Grazini is a Health and Wellness Researcher who writes for a variety of Health Sources including - Your One Stop Shop for Health, Wellness, Beauty. Look and you'll find the Virtual Hairstyle Selector and More!
Thursday, November 1, 2007
In Depth Profile and Interview with Emma Watson
‘It’s the first time I’ve been anything but Hermione,’ she says, fiddling with the cushions. ‘Pauline is headstrong, so in that way she is quite like Hermione, but she is not academic. In fact, Emma Watson actually reminds me of myself as a child, much more than Hermione does. Pauline is utterly obsessed with being an actress and I was just like that when I was younger. I dreamt of it. I practised speeches in front of mirrors. Whenever there was a part at school, I went for it. I was probably a bit of a show-off in the sense that any chance to get up and be seen, I did it.’ She sounds like a nightmare. ‘I was such a drama queen,’ she says, blushing a bit. ‘I used to wail and moan and cry, and little things were blown up into being big things. I don’t know how my parents stood it, really.’ She says she isn’t like that at all now. ‘I’ve grown up a bit,’ she says. ‘I’ve had to.’
Acting, however, is not the only avenue Miss Watson is perusing. She goes on to detail her plans to apply at Cambridge to ‘read English and philosophy,’ by saying: “I feel it’s terribly important to continue with my education, in case acting doesn’t work out for me.” The interview goes on to discuss her life as a teenager and an actress, along with life she has lead being both. The topics of seeing her family, relationships, and fashion are also mentioned in this extended look at her career. The profile concludes with Emma’s thoughts on the world shown in “Ballet Shoes,” one which she feels ‘captivates everyone it touches.’ Asked about the relevance of this story, which looks at the aftermath of war, and whether this generation will be interested, she says:
‘Yes, I still think it’s relevant,’ she says enthusiastically. ‘Everyone loves that world, don’t they? The backstage world of what actually goes on during the rehearsals of a play or the making of a film. I thought it would be so glamorous, so exciting.’ And isn’t it? Emma Watson looks at me in surprise. ‘Yes,’ she says, eyes open wide, ‘of course.’
“Ballet Shoes” will be broadcast December 26 on BBC1 at 8:30pm.
Tag: Emma Watson
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Hair Extensions in New York: flaunt the latest style
Long hair is something that many women wish to have but few are fortunate enough to have this naturally. Hair extension is the perfect solution out of this for any woman. So if you really want to have long hair to go with the evening dress that you have decided to wear for your college reunion, better seek the services of hair extensions in New York from a renowned hair stylist in the city. Now New York is one of the busiest metro cities in the world, so people residing there cannot complain that there are not enough hair stylists that do hair extensions in New York. The local yellow pages are just the perfect source for you to find out about stylists who undertake hair extension in New York for clients.
Remember it is very important to find out an efficient and renowned stylist to do hair extensions for you. The hair is a very important component of your overall look and understandably you will not like to take any chances with this. Make sure that you see the stylist before undergoing the process for a consultation session. Talk to the stylist about the whole thing, whatever doubts or queries that you have in your mind must be clarified before you undergo the process. Hair extension is a complicated process, so you must make sure that the stylist has the experience and the ability to do hair extensions without any hassles. Go for natural hair extensions as opposed to artificial ones. Natural hair always looks better and make sure that the color and texture match your natural hair perfectly.
For hair extensions stylists use certain chemical glue to bond artificial hair with your natural hair. What you have to take care of is to find out if you have any allergic reaction to the chemicals that are used in the glue. If you have any kind of allergic reaction, this can turn out to be really bad for your hair, so be cautious about this. Talk to the stylist in advance and tell him or her about your condition, so that he will use other chemicals to bond the artificial hair. Go for a new hairstyle, you deserve to pamper yourself once a while and what better way to get pampered then going for hair extensions?
Peter Symcox is a professional writer, who has an extensive knowledge of hair extensions and their necessity in the fashion world. He likes to disseminate his knowledge of hair extensions to people suffering from hair loss. To know more about hair extensions in New York,Hair extensions Manhattan, Hair extensions Salon NY visit
Monday, October 22, 2007
Emma Watson Wants To Be A Normal Teenager
"Sometime[s] I miss the fact that I have never really been a teenager because I have been Hermione for such a long time," Emma Watson confides to the Daily Telegraph.
Emma Watson has been playing Harry's girl best friend since she was nine, beating out thousands of girls to play the coveted role. And although winning the part is like winning the lottery, the growing up with all the media and public attention has been difficult.
"When I head I'd got the part of Hermione, my mother said to me it was very important to keep the friends I'd made already. She told me that in the future it would be important to know people liked me for myself and not because of my career. Now I know exactly what she means."
Part of growing up is also dating boys and Emma Watson says she's having a hard time in that particular area. She says that her younger brother, Alexander, is the only guy she can go out with and not cause a stir as the others would be immediately branded as her boyfriend.
And her view of the press media is another thing she is unsure of. "I try not to read it, but it's hard. Who doesn't want to read about themselves? But it's always written with this tone - as if the person knows me. But they don't."
And while she is branching out as an actress, her education is also one of her top priorities. Emma Watson is applying to Cambridge University to give herself options.
"I feel it's terribly important to continue with my education, in case acting doesn't work out for me."
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Anna Paquin hairstyles X-Men Golden Globe nomination
Paquin is up for best actress in a supporting role for the film, which tells the story of the massacre of hundreds of Native American Sioux men, women and children by the 7th Cavalry at Wounded Knee Creek on December 29, 1890.
Anna Paquin hairstyles X-Men plays the role of schoolteacher Elaine Goodale who, prior to the massacre, worked to improve the quality of life for the Sioux.
The 25-year-old actress won an Oscar for Best Actress in a Supporting Role in Jane Campion's 1993 film The Piano, making her one of the youngest Academy Award winners in history.
She has also starred in the X-Men movies as well as The Squid and the Whale and Almost Famous.
Paquin hairstyles X-Men is nominated in the category alongside Grey's Anatomy's Katherine Heigl and Australian actress Rachel Griffiths from Brothers & Sisters, as well as Rose Byrne for Damages, Samantha Morton for Longford and Jaime Pressly for My Name is Earl.
Two movies set against different wars, Atonement and Charlie Wilson's War, dominated the nominations, with Atonement earning seven nods, including a bid for best drama, to lead all film contenders.
The World War Two saga also earned best dramatic actor and actress nominations, respectively, for Scottish performer James McAvoy and his English-born leading lady, Keira Knightley, for their roles as lovers torn apart by a family lie and the conflict in Europe.
The filmmaker behind Atonement, Joe Wright, was nominated for best director, and the 13-year-old actress Saoirse Ronan earned a nod for her supporting role as the younger sister who betrays Knightley's character. Other nominations came for best screenplay and musical score.
In a first for the Golden Globe awards, which are given out by some 90 members of the Hollywood Foreign Press Association (HFPA), the top category of best film drama was shared by seven nominees instead of the usual five.
"That tells us it was a very good year for dramas, and it was very difficult for us to pick the nominees," HFPA president Jorge Camara said. He said that three movies tied for the fifth position among dramas, leading to the seven nominations.
Three of the remaining five were crime dramas - American Gangster, Eastern Promises and the latest from Joel and Ethan Coen, No Country for Old Men. Rounding out the category were two period pieces - There Will Be Blood, about the rise of an oil baron in the early 1900s, and The Great Debaters, a Depression-era story of race relations and hope. Anna Paquin hairstyles X-Men
Emma Watson InStyle Magazine Scans
Emma Watson also recently attended the Chanel-Pre Autumn/Winter Collection Show in London. Some photos of her at the show can be seen on Getty Images and WireImage.
Friday, October 19, 2007
Megan Fox is no 'little cupcake'
The Transformers sex symbol told GQ magazine if men mistake her for her sexy image she puts them firmly in their place.
She said: "Some guys who think I'm going to be this little cupcake who's going to bat my eyelids and be like a receptacle for them - I shut them down immediately."
She added: "I have this sort of promiscuous image. People assume I'm really overtly sexually aggressive and that I'm this wild child. And I'm not like that at all."
And it seems the 23-year-old isn't a big fan of actors.
She said: "Actors are either narcissistic douche bags or raging alcoholics."
Megan stars in Transformers sequel Revenge Of The Fallen, out Friday June 19.
She will also be seen playing a demonically possessed boy-eating cheerleader in Jennifer's Body, due for release in October.
She's also tipped to take over from Angelina Jolie as Lara croft in the Tomb Raider movies.
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