Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Anne Hathaway at the Premiere of 'Breaking Upwards'

Actress Anne Hathaway was spotted at the after party for the Los Angeles premiere of IFC's Breaking Upwards, which was held at The Silent Movie Theater on April 8.
Breaking Upwards tells the story of a couple who try to get the most from their break-up by strategizing exactly how it will happen.
Anne Hathaway has said she often follows the Oscar Wilde mantra, "The less said about life's sores the better." She was born in Brooklyn, New York to a lawyer and an actress.

In her early career, Anne Hathaway was known best for her roles in family comedies such as The Princess Diaries. Hathaway is known for her work with many charities such as the Lollipop Theatre Network, the Human RIghts Campaign.

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