Saturday, April 16, 2011

Mark Felt Passed Away: 'Deep Throat' Mark Felt, 95, Died of Heart Failure

Watergate whistleblower Deep Throat Mark Felt
William Mark Felt, Sr. (August 17, 1913 – December 18, 2008) (Wikipedia)

Mark Felt, who kept his true identity for more than 30 years as a whistle-blower in Watergate scandal[wikipedia] that led President Nixon to step down, has passed away in California.  He was 95 years old.

From Washington Post:

W. Mark Felt Sr., the associate director of the FBI during the Watergate scandal who, better known as "Deep Throat," became the most famous anonymous source in American history, died yesterday [December 18]. He was 95.

Felt died at 12:45 p.m. at a hospice near his home in Santa Rosa, Calif.

According to Las Angeles Times, Rob Jones, one of Mark Felt's grandsons, said that his grandfather died of heart failure.

"He was an important person for the history of our nation, but also such a gem and such a treasure to our family. He was a great man." Felt's another grandson Nick Jones was quoted at New York Daily News.

Our condolences to Mr. Felt family and friends!


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